terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2008


~Once there was a boy who had a very bad temperament.

The father of the boy gave him a bag with nails and said that every time he lost his patience should hammer a nail behind the fence.

On the first day the boy enfiou 37 nails in the fence.

In a few weeks, according to which he was learning to control his temperament, the number of nails martelados per day reduced gradually.

He found it was easier to control his temperament than hammering nails in all those around ... Finally came the day that the boy has not lost the patience nor once.

So he came and said something to his father.

This suggested that he withdraw a nail for each day so that he could control his temperament. Finally came the day that the boy had removed all the nails of the fence.

Then his father held his hand and led him to some and said:

You have been very well my child, but look at the holes in the fence.

ABOUT will never be the same.

When you say things angry, these things leave scars just like these.

It's like you put a knife into a man and withdraw it.

Not vai import how many times you ask excuses, the hole vai be there the same way.

A verbal wound is as bad as a physical.

Friends are extremely rare jewels.

They make you smile and give support so that you have success.

They lend an ear, they welcomed and has the heart always open to you.

Um comentário:

Saah disse...

Aaaahhh....mardito sejá!